Nagaoka Fireworks

Despite the steady drizzle, I stuck it out after the Honolulu Festival parade to watch the Nagaoka fireworks off Waikiki Beach. Figure I smooched some free sake off them, I better watch the show! Forgive the crooked video, I did this with a monopod propped against an uneven rock wall. I have to say the display was impressive, one of the best fireworks displays I’ve seen here. I can only imagine what it’s like back in Nagaoka! In hindsight, I should have recorded the whole show, but oh well.

2 Responses to “Nagaoka Fireworks”

  • Taro Chan~

    That was awesome~and taken really nicely♪
    Thank you for the video~ ヽ(´ー`)ノ

  • I should have gone down – even if just for the fireworks. Maybe someday one of my summer Japan trips will coincide with a fireworks display.

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