Train for Pain

I’ve been getting some decent distance on my training rides, but I haven’t really been working on intensity recently.  I did a lot of power training and cardiac/pulmonary training before the Whistler MTB trip, and I also ramp up the training before every snowboard season.  The climbs on the past few Ditch rides have been kicking my ass, so I decided to throw in some sprints yesterday.  I sprinted from one end of WCC to the other, then recovered on the way back.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Pain.  Pegged heartrate.  Woo-hoo!  I did that until failure then cruised home to change my oil.

D = 16.51 km (10.26-miles), Vavr = 20.0 km/h (12.4 mph), Vmax = 41.8 km/h (26.0 mph), T = 49-minutes

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