Bus Stop Culture

Heading over to Cedar Street Gallery after work to check out Jason Teraoka’s works in the 14-artist group show “Bus Stop Culture”. I wonder what he painted? Hopefully I can find parking down there… Wonder if the Gelato shop next door will be open?


Parking was surprisingly no problem. I met Jason, Tracy, and Fabio at the gallery to check things out. I got there fairly early, so I bypassed all the schmoozers and hyenas at the food an drink tables and went upstairs to see the show before it got crowded. The show was an interesting mix. I enjoyed it. Talking to Jason later, he described stopping by a gallery on his last trip to California for a car show, and being oppressed by some artist’s large-scale, heavily rendered photorealistic paintings, and was inspired to do just the opposite. He deconstructed his works for this show, using lighter, freer strokes, and limiting the detailling and simplifying the depth by limiting the layers of washes. The effect was successful. I found that the images, although simplified, still conveyed the intended feeling. Good job!

On a side note, there were a fair number of May Izumi’s disturbingly intriguing works in the commercial gallery space on the first floor. I really like her work. Check them out if you go by.

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