Oh, What the Heck

After lunch yesterday, the chills started.  I toughed it out through the day and hung about the office after work until the Monster Mash show opening, figuring a little rest would help.  Feeling no better, I sucked it up and went downtown to drive in circles in search of parking and walked over to the gallery.  I tried putting on my best face even though I felt like krap since this was the first show I’d been involved with in a long time.  I struggled through pizza dinner, then embarked on the painfully long drive home, having to stop for late night gasoline in Kalihi on the way.  A shower and some antipyretics didn’t do much to improve my condition, but sleep did, although interrupted by fits of cramping.  Surprisingly, the expected “blast” so far has not materialized.  In case this was the start of “the dreaded flu” (the incubation period would be about right for me to have picked up something on the airplane from KIX), I was socially responsible and stayed home from work today.  In retrospect, I could have worked through the pain, and  I am now fairly certain this isn’t Novel H1N1.  There goes one vacation day…  Gastroentertis is not your friend.

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