Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Got To Gose

P1060574Last from the summer seasonal Sam Adams pack. Their rendition of a gose, which after some research is an ancient German style beer. Characterized by being sour, salty and inclusion of coriander. Pours clear yellow with small head. Aroma, uh… I can’t really say. This is a very nondescript beer. I’m thankfull that it is not very sour, I’m not a fan of that in beer. It’s got a light mouthfeel, and nary a buzz.

I guess beer makers are in search of the next IPA and searching for styles not heard of before to try, and even include stuff like cucmber in it. Yes, it says on the label this has cucumber. This beer is inoffensive, but it’s also unmemorable.

2 out 4 gosey monkeys.

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