Half-Baked Manapua

Sorry – no. This manapua is raw, and nobody has any idea what to fill it with. At least with electric trains, there is the possibility of using any of a variety of renewable sources of energy, many of which can be fairly quickly implemented here. This ridiculous BRT idea relies on diesel, which is not specifically a bad thing – in fact diesel is probably the way things will have to be in the near future – but with the insistance of the current powers-that-be to race headlong down the dead-end street of E10 and E85 because of the Corn Lobby, development of biodiesel technology will be delayed about 10-years in the USA.

Once again, everyone who thinks BRT or Lexus lanes will solve the problem forgets the most important caveat: Where the F do you plan on putting all those cars and buses once you get them into downtown?

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