Dawn of a New Decade

IMG_055712 years. TWELVE YEARS! Can you believe it? It was 12 years ago that I brought The Pig home. All the boys said don’t count the chickens till it’s rolling down the street. Well, here you have it! I’m rather surprised it wasn’t covered in a thicker layer of dust and that after only a bit of monkeying with the brake pad adjusters and airing up the tires, we were able to roll it out of the garage. IMG_0556It helps to have a demon on your side. He was just here to help, demons are no fools and he wasn’t about to get stuck with The Pig taking up precious space in his lair. I kid, about him being a demon anyway, nice dude. Pretty cool trailer rig that they borrowed.

So I’d say that’s a pretty momentus way to bring in the start of a new decade! IMG_0558Space! Can park all the vehicles on property now! No annoying the neighbors by parking on the public street! It’s a good start, Happy New Decade everyone! And yes guys, beer’s on me in Whistler!

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