Pallet Man

Fun ride, sunny, not a trace of rain, got my butt totally kicked on the climbs.

day started with power going out partially in our condo. Found out later our neighbors too.

after dinner at relocated Avalanche pizza, getting Cows ice cream, the man who will be unnamed, who has the most experience with wood burning fireplaces, spots a shipping pallet outside of Cows side door. Dude, pallets make the best firewood! And it free. So he grabs it and runs it out to the street, right across from the Firehouse and police station, loads it into the van. On the drive back we brainstorm ideas on how to bust up the pallet into smaller pieces. We end up stopping in the road up just up the street from home, jumping out, putting pallet on ground and chuck running it over with the van with a resounding crunch a couple times. nice assortment of pieces now, perfect!

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